Viola and her family are very happy to have received the financial support we fundraised for their situation: 364 GBP. Here you can see her words in Hungarian and the family picture they sent:
Köszönjük szépen Csabi nevében az adományozóknak a felajánlásokat és nektek a közreműködést.
Ezzel a képpel szeretnénk köszönetünket kifejezni.

Huge thanks...
We would like to thank you all 13 donors: Balint Magyar, Agi Toth, Laszlo Kruchio, Linda Sallai, E B, Tamas Farkas, Gergo Szimler, Marta Balint, Adel Julia Szente, Hungarotickets GmbH, Andre Noort, Tamas Nadudvari, Z&Z Biztonsagtechnika Kft.
About the life story
Viola and Zoltán and 2 children and live close to Budapest, in a small place of 2000 inhabitants. The mother used to work as a social worker but now she is at home taking care of his son, Csaba. Csaba was born with a severe disability accompanied by autism. Since he requires full-time support all day long, her mother cannot go back to work. The father works for a local logistics company. Their total income is 150.000 HUF / 517 USD.
As winter is approaching very fast, more and more burden is put on the parents. A gas convector has been installed only in the room of the kids, the rest of the 65 nm2 house is heated by a wood-burning stove. After arranging their monthly debts for the house and the car – fix 50.000 HUF / 172 USD – they organize their lives and costs and pay for Csaba’s treatment from the remaining 100.000 HUF / 345 USD. Currently not much remains for buying the firewood for winter.

Their younger child, Nikolett is very clever, she goes to the 8th year of the local school. At school, she is a top performer. She does all her homework in the afternoon daycare so that she will have time to ride her bike, draw or read novels at home. During school terms, she regularly receives hot meals which are a very big help for the family. During holidays, however, hot meals are not secured on an everyday basis.
Csaba attended the 8th year of primary school but in the last year, his illness has worsened in a very quick tempo. From January 2015 the local school could no longer provide his charge so he had to stop going to school. Since then he has been visited by a private teacher once a week. Like his sister, Csaba used to receive hot meals at school. Since he has been at home he is not entitled to take the meals, which means another big trouble for his parents.

Csaba is settled while listening to music. Although he spends most of his days in front of the computer listening to music, he still needs to take sedatives. Medicine is prescribed to him during his visits to the Bethesda Children Hospital every 3 months.
Viola does everything she can to make her son feel himself better. They started to visit a private doctor in Budapest 3 times a week who applies acupuncture treatments on Csaba. Due to the treatments, Csaba’s condition has improved a lot and his symptoms have eased. The series of cures cost 500.000 HUF / 1435 GBP for 6 months. In spite of all the efforts, the parents are incapable of producing this big amount of money. The family highly appreciates that now they are a bit less stressed if they think about Csaba's treatments.