We are pleased to share that the roof has been renovated!

Monika Farkas' family is really grateful for your support! Without your help, we couldn't help Monika's family. We would like to thank all of you: Laszlo Kruchio, Linda Sallai, E B, Ott Zsolt, Tamás Farkas, Norbert Kiss, Hungarotickets GmbH, Tamas Nadudvari, Z&Z Biztonságtechnika Kft., Adel Julia Szente, Réka Boronkay, Innonic Group, Botond Nador, Zita Fehér, Csurka István, Katalin Arato, Sandor Fulop, CMS Hungarian Branch Office, Miklos Soproni, Adam Misley and Marta Balint.
Corporate sponsor: CMS Hungarian Branch Office
To solve this issue took a lot of time but we could convince the roof tile supplier in Tápiószecso, close to the Farkas family, to work with us and give us special discounts. Therefore we could work out the cost of tiles to be far more affordable.
Our special thanks go to the CMS Hungarian Branch Office! They all agreed on supporting her family and their financial support was the most generous. Thank you very much on behalf of the family!
More about Mónika Farkas' family
Mónika has been together with János for 18 years. The mother is a full-time mom, János works for the General Directorate of Water Management as an employee. In order to earn some more money, he also does some casual work at the weekends. The total income of the family is 160.000 HUF / 550 USD per month.
The parents have 4 children and they try to supervise all their expenses. They tend to maintain the meat supplies of the family by raising domesticated animals. You can find hens, sheep, rabbits, Vietnamese pigs and horses in their yard. It is more economical for them to produce meat than to purchase ready goods in the supermarkets. In lack of the home economy, they would not be able to control their expenses since half of their income is spent to pay off their SwissFrank-based credit. So 80.000 HUF / 275 USD remains for living: food, clothes, money for school expenses and medicine in case of illnesses.
Their oldest son, Norbert, studies computer science and is a school-leaver in a vocational high school. The 18-year-old boy loves the bee business and also keeps himself busy with beading. He is currently preparing for a set of computer science exams. The 7 modules altogether cost 17.500 HUF / 60 USD. Being able to pay the amount is currently a very big concern for the family.

The second boy in the family is called Szabolcs who is 15 and attends an agricultural secondary school. He is attached to animals and very interested in agriculture. When his time permits, he spends it outside among the animals. In order to finish school and receive his certificate, Szabolcs needs to acquire a driving licence. His parents, however, are incapable of providing him with the required money. Since he would like to find a job in his profession it is essential for the boy to acquire the driving licence and start working as an independent adult. The third son is János who is in the 5th year of primary school. Like every kid, he fancies riding his bike and also has a passion for designing creative gadgets. The smallest child in the family is Lilla who attends nursery school. Being a very active kid, she is always engaged with doing some activities. Her hobbies are playing with animals, watching fairy tales or drawing.

For the second half of the months, very little money remains for living. Their washing machine is very old-fashioned hence it consumes more energy than a modern automatic one. They hope it will not break down in the near future because it is totally impossible for them to buy a new one.
The family gladly receives and appreciates any kind of help other people can provide them. Currently, the greatest help can be achieved by collecting the necessary amount for fixing damage to their roof after the storm what they cannot afford.