Here you could not only support two sherpas but the TAITA Foundation too in order that we could facilitate the work with the orphans in Kenya. The orphans received 477.88 GBP which they used to buy new clothes and shoes. The children were really happy to try on new outfits and have lunch together. You can see some pictures below.
The sherpas received 554.41 GBP each which meant 1 603 267 TZS in Tanzania for both of them. They were lucky to think about a new business and then they decided to open a new shop where they sell shoes. You can see a short video about it here:
Thanks for our donors: Hervis Hungary, Eszter Farkas, Dora Vassne Szabo, Gabor Harmai and Adam Misley.
About the story

The sherpas were born in Komalyangoe village, Tanzania: Erasme Matemu was born on 8 April 1992 and Paul Mosha on 2 November 1992. They went to the same primary school since then they are friends. They respect each other’s religion and they love their country. As their parents had no money, they couldn’t go on higher education, but they are energetic, young Tanzanians and now they work hard as sherpas.
Their main responsibilities while climbing Mount Kilimanjaro are to carry 20 kg and to walk 8-12 km daily depending on the route and when they reach the camp. Every time they put up all the tents, and if there is something to cook for the crew as lunch, they prepare it, then wait for dinner, and they sleep. Next days are the same walking with 20 kg on their backs, plus their own stuff measuring 8-13 kg. It is not easy, but they don't have other opportunities, they need to do this work. There are many risks as many people die on the mountain doing this job.

They face altitude sickness, raining and snowing every day. They are not paid the minimum wage due to the taxes, companies pay. Their plan is to stop climbing and collect enough money to establish a new business. They will open a "clothes & shoe shop" in Arusha, and all the products will be imported from Kenya, China and from Europe. The main aims are to grow the business and change their lives economically.
To succeed they need the capital of minimum USD 10000. Please support Erasme and Paul to make their dream come true.
The sherpas' story was recommended by a Hungarian TV-show called Hungaricums around the world. You can read more information about them below.
Hungaricums around the world is a Hungarian TV-show, which was founded by a couple of enthusiastic youngsters, whose aim is to discover and present Hungarian roots and heritages around the world. While filming the second season in South Africa, they decided to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, which is not possible without a guide. Their two young sherpas Erasme and Paul shared their stories about how they are affected negatively by the business of tourism working under poor conditions for just a small amount of money. When listening to their stories, they decided to do something.